20 Sept 2023-Benchmarking Visit to Western Australia for the Formation of Single Water Supply Entity and Body Corporate for State Water Authority

Posted on 29 Sep 2023
Source of News: SAGC

Benchmarking visit  of Deputy SAG, Datu John Wayne Ak Chamberline Sirau with Sarawak Delegates to Western Australia on 20th- 27th September 2023

© Hakcipta Jabatan Peguam Besar Negeri Sarawak

Last Updated On 24 Jul 2024

Waktu Operasi

Isnin - Khamis
8:00 pagi hingga 1:00 petang & 2:00 petang hingga 5:00 petang

8:00 pagi hinggga 11:45 pagi & 2:15 petang hingga 5:00 petang 

Sabtu, Ahad & Cuti Umum

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