• Cap. 1 - Revision of Laws Ordinance, 1992
  • Cap. 2 - Public Service Commission (Remuneration) Ordinance, 1993
  • Cap. 3 - Public Parks and Greens Ordinance, 1993
  • Cap. 4 - Sarawak Rivers Ordinance, 1993
  • Cap. 5 - Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Ordinance, 1993
  • Cap. 6 - Sarawak Cultural Heritage Ordinance, 1993
  • Cap. 7 - Charitable Trusts Ordinance, 1994
  • Cap. 8 - Buildings Ordinance, 1994
  • Cap. 9 - State Roads Ordinance, 1994
  • Cap. 10 - Fisheries (Adoption) Ordinance, 1994 (Repealed by State Fisheries Ordinance 2003 (Cap. 54)
  • Cap. 11 - Brooke Dockyard and Engineering Works Corporation (Repeal and Successor Company) Ordinance, 1994
  • Cap. 12 - State Public Service (Conditions of Service) Ordinance, 1994
  • Cap. 13 - Water Ordinance, 1994
  • Cap. 14 - Sarawak Tourism Board (Incorporation) Ordinance, 1994
  • Cap. 15 - Statutory Bodies (Financial and Accounting Procedure) Ordinance, 1995
  • Cap. 16 - Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Ordinance, 1995
  • Cap. 17 - Sarawak Forestry Corporation Ordinance, 1995
  • Cap. 18 - Strata Titles Ordinance, 1995
  • Cap. 19 - Sarawak Gas Supply Services (Operating Company) Ordinance, 1995
  • Cap. 20 - Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996
  • Cap. 21 - Public Collections Ordinance, 1996
  • Cap. 22 - Native Customs (Declaration) Ordinance, 1996
  • Cap. 23 - Land Use (Control Of Prescribed Trading Activities) Ordinance, 1997
  • Cap. 24 - Sarawak Biodiversity Centre Ordinance, 1997
  • Cap. 25 - State Sales Tax Ordinance, 1998
  • Cap. 26 - Wild Life Protection Ordinance, 1998
  • Cap. 27 - National Parks and Nature Reserves Ordinance, 1998
  • Cap. 28 - Sarawak Information Technology and Resources Council Ordinance, 1999
  • Cap. 29 - Sarawak State Library Ordinance, 1999
  • Cap. 30 - Protection of Public Health Ordinance, 1999
  • Cap. 31 - Loans and Loan Guarantees Ordinance, 1999
  • Cap. 32 - Veterinary Public Health Ordinance, 1999
  • Cap. 33 - Entertainment Ordinance, 2000
  • Cap. 34 - Administrative Areas Ordinance, 2000 (Revised 2000)
  • Cap. 35 - Written Law (Simplified Publication) Ordinance, 2000 (Revised2000)
  • Cap. 36 - State Financial Secretary (Incorporation) Ordinance (Revised2000)
  • Cap. 37 - Financial Procedure (Contingencies and Trust Funds) Ordinance, 1963 (Revised2000)
  • Cap. 38 - Civil List Ordinance, 1963 (Revised2000)
  • Cap. 39 - Public Service Commission (Additional Functions) Ordinance, 2001
  • Cap. 40 - Land Surveyors Ordinance, 2001
  • Cap. 41 - Majlis Islam Sarawak Ordinance, 2001 - Ordinan Majlis Islam Sarawak, 2001
  • Cap. 42 - Syariah Courts Ordinance, 2001 - Ordinan Mahkamah Syariah, 2001
  • Cap. 43 - Islamic Family Law Ordinance, 2001 - Ordinan Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam, 2001
  • Cap. 44 - Syariah Civil Procedure Ordinance, 2001 - Ordinan Tatacara Mal Syariah, 2001
  • Cap. 45 - Syariah Criminal Offences Ordinance, 2001 - Ordinan Tatatacara Jenayah Syariah, 2001
  • Cap. 46 - Syariah Criminal Offences Ordinance, 2001 - Ordinan Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah, 2001
  • Cap. 47 - Syariah Evidence Ordinance, 2001 - Ordinan Keterangan Syariah, 2001
  • Cap. 48 - City of Kuching Ordinance, 1988 Revised2002)
  • Cap. 49 - City of Kuching North Ordinance, 1988 (Revised2002)
  • Cap. 50 - Electricity Ordinance  (Revised2002)
  • Cap. 51 - Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation Ordinance, 1962 (Revised 2002)
  • Cap. 52 - Housing Development Corporation Ordinance, 2002
  • Cap. 53 - State Anthem and Emblems Ordinance, 2002
  • Cap. 54 - State Fisheries Ordinance, 2003
  • Cap. 55 - Native Customary Marriages (Maintenance) Ordinance, 2003
  • Cap. 56 - Minerals Ordinance, 2004
  • Cap. 57 - Statutory Bodies (Conduct and Discipline) Ordinance, 2004
  • Cap. 58 - Promotion of Commercial Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Ordinance, 2004
  • Cap. 59 - Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation (Successor Company) Ordinance, 2004
  • Cap. 60 - Community Chiefs and Headmen Ordinance, 2004
  • Cap. 61 - Interpretation Ordinance, 2005
  • Cap. 62 - Dewan Undangan Negeri (Composition of Membership) Ordinance, 2005
  • Cap. 63 - Sewerage Systems and Services Ordinance, 2005
  • Cap. 64 - Regional Corridors Development Authorities Ordinance, 2006
  • Cap. 65 - Dewan Undangan Negeri (Privileges and Powers) Ordinance, 2007
  • Cap. 66 - Sarawak Arts Council Ordinance, 2008
  • Cap. 67 - Sarawak Sports Corporation Ordinance, 2009
  • Cap. 68 - Members Of The Administration And Members Of Dewan Undangan Negeri (Remuneration, Pensions And Gratuities) Ordinance, 2013
  • Cap. 69 - Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Ordinance, 2013
  • Cap. 70 - Dewan Undangan Negeri ( Composition Of Membership ) Ordinance , 2014
  • Cap. 71 - Forests Ordinance, 2015
  • Cap. 73 - Sarawak Research and Development Council Ordinance, 2017
  • Cap. 74 - Sarawak Multimedia Authority Ordinance, 2017

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